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Barus - Fanges EP preview....
Last updated: 28 December 2021

Thanks to Invisible Oranges for the premiere of the new EP from BARUS on their site today.

Check it out here.....

Digi CD version to be released this friday - get it here, or direct from the band.



Uncle Grasha's Flying Circus - review
Last updated: 17 December 2021

check out a great review for the "Ost" LP from UNCLE GRASHA'S FLYING CIRCUS

Reviewed in the respected "Noise Receptor" zine.



Haiku Funeral - Drown Their Moons In Blood - digi CD
Last updated: 4 December 2021

the Haiku Funeral "Drown Their Moons In Blood" digi CDs have finally arrived - following some production delays, followed by customs delays.

It's worth the wait - CDs look great, a fitting climax to what is possibly the finest album from Haiku Funeral to date.

All pre-orders are being prepared and leave in the coming days.....Enjoy!!!



Esoteric - demo on vinyl
Last updated: 11 November 2021

ESOTERIC - Esoteric Emotions: The Death of Ignorance 2LP

This gatefold 2LP is finally at press - looking forward to getting it released.

However, with vinyl manufacturing times currently so long then I don't anticipate a release until summer 2022.

This will be a limited pressing. More news in a few months......



Barus - working with AD
Last updated: 9 November 2021

Over the past few months I have seen the evolution of a new recording from excellent French progressive death metal act - Barus

Two long tracks constructed from the labours of an improvised and creative period. I'm glad to be working on putting out this new EP - Fanges - on digi CD at the end of 2021/early Jan 2022 - with the tape version coming out on Breathe Plastic

Fanges sees Barús exploring new musical and lyrical territories, with complex and progressive structures, while simultaneously reaffirming the band’s commitment to creating a unique strand of oppressive death metal.

More news to follow.....



Goatpsalm / Horthodox - Ash
Last updated: 6 November 2021

I'm really pleased to have received copies of the GOATPSALM / HORTHODOX album "Ash" from the pressing plant - slightly later than planned, but well worth the wait. 

A truly exceptional release of thought and endeavour - a collaborative vision that exudes a real affinity to the subject (see informtation posted below)

All orders leaving imminently.....



Megalith Levitation - Void Psalms
Last updated: 6 November 2021

Following delays with production, I'm pleased to now have the new MEGALITH LEVITATION  cd in my hands.

A monolithic lysergic doom ritual - heavy and bleak. Check this review out for an idea of what to expect:

All pre-orders are ready to leave.



Suffer Yourself - Rip Tide - LP
Last updated: 27 October 2021

We are able to finally announce that the SUFFER YOURSELF "Rip Tide" vinyl is now available - released 29th October 2021

Coming on beautiful coloured vinyl - with printed inner sheet, download code and stickers

Check out this wonderful doom death act - and look out for forthcoming material



Haiku Funeral - Youtube track available
Last updated: 13 October 2021

check out the first preview track - "Cherny Shamani" - from the upcoming HAIKU FUNERAL album.....




Haiku Funeral - Drown Their Moons In Blood
Last updated: 9 October 2021

At press now, planned release date is October 31st. Wonderful new album.....



Goatpsalm / Horthodox - Ash
Last updated: 9 October 2021

Slight delay to the planned release date - expecting the CDs here any day now.....



Megalith Levitation - Void Psalms
Last updated: 9 October 2021

Slight delay to the planned release date - expecting the CDs here any day now.....



Last updated: 11 September 2021

in the coming weeks I will be working with Finnish black metal band - VAINA

Elements are coming together on their latest album - Futue Te Ipsum

Black metal guided by intuition, music which is simulateously pioneering, nihilistic, dualistic, variant, spiritual, uncompromising, controversial....

More news to follow.....



Goatpsalm / Horthodox - Ash
Last updated: 9 September 2021

Check out the video-track to "House With No Windows" from the forthcoming - Goatpsalm / Horthodox album......


Goatpsalm / Horthodox - Ash
Last updated: 9 September 2021


We have fled from the shroud of deception that you have draped across the ruins of our traditions, your subtle twisting of the holy words and gestures that have sustained us through an eternity of winters. Here, beneath the trees, on hard ground cleared of snow we shall find our burning gateway to redemption. We Old Believers see the devil in your details, how Satan crawls serpent-like in the shadows of your obfuscation. I see the end of all things in your distorted presentation of the cross and so I take myself, my children and my love, into the flames. As we burn I sense that heaven is near, just beyond the pain, and in the screams of my little ones I hear the voices of angels. I make the sign of the cross – two fingers raised, not three – and drink deeply of the smoke; inhaling our immolation and salvation.

Goatpsalm and Horthodox are brothers in spirit, both explorers of the darkness. Goatpsalm wander through the lost and forgotten dreams of fallen civilisations, the obscure knowledge of past days and broken gods, while Horthodox pierce the shadows cast by the many arcane rituals and impenetrable words of Christian orthodoxy. In one moment of history their paths met, joined and entwined...and Ash was born. The Raskolor, or schism, of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th Century, when the Zealots Of Piety clashed with the Old Believers and families fled their homes and even walked into fire as they saw the end of the world approaching. This sundering of a nation was brought about by such small twists in doctrine as how many ‘hallelujahs’ it was proper to pronounce in honour of their god. Together, Goatpsalm and Horthodox have invoked the spirit of that age, the weight of centuries of faith, the mysteries bound within the practices of religion and the binding power of words and inherited belief. Both time and place are captured in the meditative, hypnotic echoes of ‘Here Is Our Salvation’ unsettling presence nestles in the wailing pipes of ‘God Remained Still’. This is a haunted album that summons the ghosts of past generations to gather around the firelight and hear its tale. Such compelling power resounds in the captivating tones of ‘A House With No Windows’ and the souls of those who embraced the flames for their god drift on the cold winds of ‘Night Over Onega’. Wonderful implements like the Rozhuk, an ancient, wooden Russian trumpet and the Gusli, one of the oldest of all stringed instruments, help to bring transporting atmosphere to an album like no other. Incredibly affecting and utterly remarkable, Ash is something beyond our everyday experience – a gift for which we should be immensely grateful.


Despite the splendour of both Goatpsalm and Horthodox’s individual back catalogues, this marriage between the two occult forces has created something even greater than the sum of its parts. When Ash is released on six panel digipack by Aesthetic Death on 01 October and cassette by Death Scream Recordings it will consume you; draw your soul inexorably into its world of forest, firelight and shadow. Step back in time with Goatpsalm and Horthodox, peer beneath a veil of secrets and taste the darkness of utter and absolute devotion.


Genre: Dark Folk / Atmospheric Doom Metal

For fans of: Wardruna | Grift | Empyrium | Dordeduh



Horth – Synths / Sampling
Sadist – Acoustic Guitars / Bass
Sever – Bowed Strings
Nubiferous – Gusli / Rozhok / Flute
Vaarwel – Guitars (Rhythm / Lead)



Epitaphe - new album
Last updated: 2 September 2021

the new album from French doomed death metallers - EPITAPHE - is near completion.

Following the highly respected debut "I", EPITAPHE have been meticulously constructing tracks that further entrench their status amongst the global death doom elite

the new album - "II" - is planned for the early months of 2022

More news to follow soon 



Haiku Funeral - Drown Their Moons In Blood - digi CD
Last updated: 2 September 2021

the new album from the ever wonderful, and consistently twisted, HAIKU FUNERAL is under production

Entitled "Drown Their Moons In Blood" - due for release on October 31st 2021



The Slumbering
Last updated: 24 August 2021

Following a long term collaboration and respect for the work of Clint Listing -  the countless excellent projects he has been involved with over the years and his dedication to dark music and underground culture - I am pleased to be working with him again on his latest project - THE SLUMBERING

Aesthetic Death will be releasing the debut album "Looking For Sorrow Within One's Fears" - which is a wonderful mesh of melody, rhythm and noise. Often sounding to me like a noisier/obscured version of "Iso-erotic callibrations" era T.A.G.C - an album which I first heard over 25 years ago and is still fresh and relevant today.

Planned release date is later in 2021

Into 2022 The Slumbering will be releasing their 2nd album on excellent UK label Trepanation Recordings - an album which takes the sounds of The Slumbering to even greater places and depths. Wonderful.



Goatpsalm / Horthodox - Ash
Last updated: 24 August 2021

the new album from Goatpsalm / Horthodox - "Ash" - is due for release on 1st October.

A wonderfully evocative album - can't praise this album enough and the evolution of these musicians

more info to follow soon.....



Megalith Levitation - new album
Last updated: 24 August 2021

the new album from Russian lysergic doom act - MEGALITH LEVITATION - is now at press

Four new psalms that are witness to a doomed apocalyptic vision

more news to follow - release date - 1st October 2021



Demo/Promo submission
Last updated: 13 August 2021

Existing as a label, focusing solely on physical media, certainly isn't easy these days....and the whole concept of running an underground label, with those core principles and values, is slowly ebbing away.
Suffice to say there is a deep paradox.....even within extreme and underground music/culture.

Aesthetic Death is far from being a "business" or a "job" - therefore, everything takes time, whether it's putting out releases, or simply responding to emails!!
So, to give people a heads up about sending me demo/promo material for potential release - please read on.....

- I'm always looking for interesting bands - and have always had a focus on supporting new/obscure underground acts.
- I already have a heavy release schedule, which will take me well into 2022.

Having said that, if you think your music is suited to Aesthetic Death,  then I’ll be more than happy to give it a proper listen and some consideration.

To save time, then this is how I accept submissions:
- I do not listen to anything online or via download. For me to listen to your music seriously then please send me a cdr.
- Don't ask me to listen in any other fashion - as I can't.

Keep supporting physical media and underground culture.

Uncle Grasha's Flying Circus - vinyl out now
Last updated: 23 July 2021

"Uncle Grasha's Flying Circus" take us on drone ambient story through the lens of  World War and philosophy with an Eastern perspective

"Ost" is a captivating piece of work - a narrative and dialogue that paints an intriguing picture 

Released on vinyl only - part of a multi-label collaboration



Funeral Chasm -
Last updated: 17 July 2021

the utterly wonderful debut album - "Omniversal Existence" -  from Danish extreme doom act FUNERAL CHASM - has now been released

"Omniversal Existence" is a stunning piece of work - hard to put into words - it is not only one of the finest albums I have had the opportunity to release, but have ever enjoyed. It is an innovative doom album of introspective aura, of dark psychedlia, of soaring emotion - an album that needs to be listened to as a whole..... 

Essential listening.

the digi CD version comes in a beautiful digipack.

LP version hopefully available by the end of 2021

Keep supporting physical media and underground culture!!!!!



Suffer Yourself - Rip Tide - digi CD
Last updated: 17 July 2021

the new SUFFER YOURSELF album "Rip TIde" has finally been released 

A stunning piece of death doom - whole album built over a drone score created by Ukrainian artist Ugasanie

An oppressive and claustrophobic piece of work - "Spit In The Chasm" is such a finely crafted track,which demonstrates SUFFER YOURSELF are leading the way at the forefront of this genre.

digi CD available now - on this website or directly from the band - LP version should be released in September 2021

Keep supporting physical media and underground culture!!



Kadaver / Listing - out shortly
Last updated: 6 June 2021

the Kadaver / Listing cd will be out in the next days.

Ugly harsh noise with avantgarde nightmares



Suffer Yourself - artwork
Last updated: 14 May 2021

Cover artwork for the new SUFFER YOURSELF album.....



Suffer Yourself - release date announced
Last updated: 14 May 2021

Five years since the acclaimed doom/death of “Ectoplasm” – Suffer Yourself have returned with their latest offering “Rip Tide”.

Displaying a maturity and expression from over a decade honing their sound - “Rip Tide” is a superbly crafted album which, on the surface, leans more on their death metal tone but which has much more going on once you delve deeper.

Rip Tide” is due for release on June 25th – and rightly heralds Suffer Yourself as one of the leading protagonists within the doom/death genre

More info on the AD website or Suffer Yourself bandcamp page



Funeral Chasm - artwork
Last updated: 14 May 2021

Cover artwork for the new FUNERAL CHASM album



Funeral Chasm - Omniversal Existence 2LP/CD
Last updated: 14 May 2021

Very pleased to announce that “Omniversal Existence” is at press and due for release on 21st June.

Something special resonates throughout this album.

A sublime, melancholic and introspective piece of extreme doom.

One of my favourite albums – period.

Prepare yourself for a trip with Funeral Chasm


Check out the Funeral Chasm bandcamp page....a preview track should be available very soon....



Mourning Dawn - Dead End Euphoria - vinyl edition
Last updated: 4 May 2021

Great news.....the 2LP version of "Dead End Euphoria" is now released

All pre-orders are shipping.


Looks great - gatefold sleeve, black vinyl - limited to only 82 copies!!!!

Available to buy direct here at Aesthetic Death - or via the band very soon.



pando - rites cd
Last updated: 4 May 2021

the new album from much loved US act PANDO is out very soon.

Released on digi CD

Check out more info below....


there was a time when all I wondered was how the molds of men were formed
with a catalyst as thin as water
there is a need for something rough to shape the very shell that forms what's within
but with a shell so thick in beauty we can lose track of what's inside
since we already washed our hands of grime with its lye there's no escaping the modern thoughts of men



Epitaphe - enter studio
Last updated: 24 March 2021

Great news to hear that the guys in EPITAPHE are due to enter the Plastic Lobster studio again in the coming weeks to begin recordings for the new album.

Highly anticipated follow up to 2019's "I"

More news as it happens later into 2021

Mourning Dawn - Dead End Euphoria
Last updated: 16 March 2021


Following delays on top of delays – combined with elements of bad luck and governmental censorship – we can finally say that the new Mourning Dawn album – “Dead End Euphoria” is imminent.

The 5th album – essential to anyone who knows Mourning Dawn by now!!

Available on digi CD (in 500 copies) and 2LP vinyl (in 100 copies)



Hallowed Butchery - digi cd out soon
Last updated: 13 March 2021


the utterly wonderful HALLOWED BUTCHERY album – “Deathsongs from the Hymnal of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage” – will be out very soon.

Released on digi CD – with two booklets.

Check out more info below....


Death to all.



pando - rites cd - currently at press
Last updated: 4 March 2021

the new pando album - entitled "rites" - is currently at press.

An intense and disturbung creation which is a direct reflection of matters at the forefront.

Release in mid April



Hallowed Butchery - digi cd out soon
Last updated: 19 January 2021

Now under production is the digi CD version of the new HALLOWED BUTCHERY album - "Deathsongs from the Hymnal of the Church of the Final Pilgrimage"

If you're not aware of HALLOWED BUTCHERY then take the time to assimilate with this album - one of the best "doom" releases in recent times. The cd version includes an expansive booklet hinting towards the source inspirations of "Deathsongs..."

More news to follow - release due in February 2021



Mourning Dawn - Dead End Euphoria
Last updated: 19 January 2021

the long awaited new album from France's MOURNING DAWN will be available soon....

Album under production now and making good progress - looking towards a release for both cd and 2LP in March 2021

Expect one of the strongest MOURNING DAWN albums to date - French doom sickness



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