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V:XII - an allegiance with Aesthetic Death
Last updated: 17 November 2019

I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to put out the debut CD from V:XII.

A punishing behemoth of black industrial darkness - "Rom, Rune and Ruin: The Odium Disciplina" will be released in the early days of 2020

V:XII was created in 2018 from the ashes of the Black Industrial project Deadwood. The tracks that originally were considered for a new Deadwood album took on a form of itself and could not be anything else but its own entity. And therefore V:XII was conceived. A new beginning to explore the darkness in man, beast and culture. Taking inspiration from whatever comes his way the sole member Daniel Jansson has been active in the underground metal and industrial scene since before 2003 releasing albums with band/projects such as Deadwood, Culted, Blodulv, Aum Arrhythmia and Keplers Odd.


Recorded during 2018-2019, the debut album Rom, Rune and Ruin-The Odium Disciplina combines segments reaching from Black Industrial, Doom, Black metal and Drone to Dark Ambient and Power Electronics. Pushing the boundaries of conventional ways of expression and experimenting with sounds of hatred and despair.  


Reido - a sublime realisation....
Last updated: 6 November 2019

I'm very pleased to announce that the new album "Anatman" has been released.
This is one of those albums that has struck me from the first time I heard it - it is sublime, reflective, meditative, yet extreme, doom. It may not push boundaries - but at an emotional level it does everything I want from extreme doom.

I can comfortably say that it is one of the best doom albums for me - check it out yourself and see if you agree.

Check it out on the Reido bandcamp and elsewhere:

You can buy it here:


Arria Paetus / Moloch - Split LP
Last updated: 6 November 2019

Finally out is the killer gatefold vinyl from Moloch (Ukr) and Arria Paetus (Alaska)
Limited to 300 copies. Get it direct from
..... or from the bandcamp of all involved.
Tape version imminent on 
Lycaean Triune


Tome of the Unreplenished / Starless Domain - split CD
Last updated: 6 November 2019

This week witnesses the release of the "Epistolary of the Fall" split CD. It has been a troubled, difficult and dark period to get this released - but what could be more fitting for a chaotic musical split.
Tome of the Unreplenished have created a dark black industrial ambient track of the highest order. An improvised and instrumentally eclectic feel. This is the perfect submersion into darkness before Starless Domain take you on a further journey into deep field black metal chaos - CERES sees Starless Domain take this cosmic journey into new facets of extremity and cold nothingness, with the help of Mories.

Comes on a beautiful A5 digipack - with artwork by Meriel Endtyme
Get it here:


new REIDO album released soon.....
Last updated: 17 September 2019

the excellent "Anatman" album from Belarusian act REIDO is released on 18th October 2019

One of my all-time favourite doom albums - I'm looking forward to getting this album out and heard by everyone into extreme doom.


Moloch / Arria Paetus - split LP
Last updated: 17 September 2019

the split vinyl from Ukrainian raw black metal act "Moloch" and underground Alaskan death/black metallers "Arria Paetus" will be released soon.

Vinyl production is currently underway and LPs will be available from the end of October - available to pre-order now.

Features excellent cover artwork from Pierre Perichaud


Tome of the Unreplenished / Starless Domain - split CD
Last updated: 17 September 2019

the astral collision between blackened ambient noise act "Tome of the Unreplenished" and deep field cosmic black metal act "Starless Domain" is happening in a nearby black-hole - the expected formation to arrive in this parallel universe in just a few light weeks in early November 


Starless Domain - EOS - out now
Last updated: 29 August 2019

the excellent debut album from US act - STARLESS DOMAIN

EOS is a seminal piece of deep field black metal - on a tortured journey through the cosmos


Reido - Anatman digi CD
Last updated: 3 August 2019

the new REIDO  album - "Anatman" - is going to press this week.

Extreme, yet subtle and contemplative, doom.

The album cover artwork can now be unveiled.

One of the best doom albums I've heard........


Starless Domain - CD out soon.....
Last updated: 3 August 2019

Deep field black metal.
The CD version of the Starless Domain album - "EOS" - is currently at press, with a release due in late August.
A blackened astral journey into infinity, beyond the limitations of human understanding.....

Available to buy at the Aesthetic Death website - or via the band directly on their bandcamp.


Esoteric - Metamorphogenesis 2LP
Last updated: 3 August 2019

It is with great delight that I can announce that we are closing in on getting the Esoteric "Metamorphogenesis" album released on vinyl.
This week saw Greg Chandler complete a wonderful re-mix of the album in its entirety - along with mastering for vinyl.
A task that was lengthy, time-consuming and a genuine labour of love at Priory Recording Studios. But, the end result is the beloved "Metamorphogenesis" with a new and enhanced sound.
It's going to be an awesome vinyl 2LP release - which should go to press soon.


Epitaphe - I unleashed......
Last updated: 3 July 2019

Available now is the wonderful debut from French cavernous death metal act - EPITAPHE

Claustrophobic, oppressive, doom-tinged death metal 

As heavy as Dead Congregation, Blood Incantation, Portal, Incantation, Chaos Echoes and suchlike.


Allone - debut CD now available
Last updated: 3 July 2019

the excellent debut release from UK / Polish dark metal act ALLONE is now released

Check out and support this truly underground and original act!

Available on both cd jewel case and digi cd

Co-release with 7 Gates (Pol)


Pando - Negligible Senescence - now out
Last updated: 24 June 2019

the digi CD release of "Negligible Senescence" is now out and looking great.

Beautiful layout and art concept to complement the wonderfully obscure music of pando

Available to order here or via the pando bandcamp


Last updated: 16 June 2019

Early stages and planning are underway for Aesthetic Death to start a fruitful collaboration with Belarusian act - REIDO

Eight years since their previous (and second) album - we expect "Anatman" to be released late 2019.

I am thrilled to be working with Reido. This is one of the best doom albums I have heard and this is a privilege to work with Reido to release "Anatman". A genuinely stunning album.

More news to follow.....

Epitaphe - album released imminently
Last updated: 13 June 2019

the excellent new album from French death metallers EPITAPHE will be unleashed shortly.

Available to pre-order now at the "releases" section of this site.

Bundle deal available which combines Epitaphe with the new  Pando cd "Negligible Senescence"  

Check out the bundle option and receive a free cd from this AD list....


Ketch - The Anthems Of Dread;

Mourning Dawn - Waste;

ThrOes - This Viper Womb;

Goatpsalm - Downstream;

Haiku Funeral - Hallucinations;

Of Spire & Throne - Sanctum in the Light;

Mekigah - Litost;

Whelm - A Gaze Blank and Pitiless as the Sun;

Section 37 - Legion;

Haiku Funeral - Nightmare Painting;

Black Depths Grey Waves - Nightmare Of The Blackened Heart;

Wreck Of The Hesperus - Light Rotting Out;

Section 37 - The Kudos Of Serial Killing;

Lysergene / Dust To Dearth - Death of the Sun;


Allone - Alone In The Dark CD
Last updated: 13 June 2019

I'm pleased to be working with excellent extreme dark metallers - ALLONE - on the release of their debut album.

Featuring long standing underground stalwarts - ALLONE is a new inception and highlights the great musical talent and compositon maturity of the band.

In collaboration with 7 Gates from Poland - this will be out imminently....

Zatemno - new album soon...
Last updated: 13 June 2019

Russian act - Zatemno - agree to work with Aesthetic Death on the release of their first full length.....await something special....


Epitaphe - album cover preview
Last updated: 13 April 2019

Work is continuing on the forthcoming release of the debut album - "I" - from excellent French act Epitaphe

Expect this amazing death metal behemoth in the first half of 2019 - here is a preview of the beautiful cover art....


Pando - Negligible Senescence - digi CD
Last updated: 13 April 2019

Following the wide acclaim and appreciation for the "Hiraeth" cd release from US act - P A N D O - Aesthetic Death will soon be releasing their "Negligible Senescence" album, from 2016, on cd.

This should be available in the first half of 2019 - here is a preview of the artwork for the release....


Voz De Nenhum cd released
Last updated: 13 April 2019

See him now… The path is narrow and the flesh is weak. What heart, what spirit, what silent will shapes the beast, that we do not know. But see him battle those bellowing winds of some ancient chaos. Helpless and depraved, slowly, painfully exhausting the space of note and texture and sound and rhythm amidst a careless vortex of multitudes beyond the span of his reason. Approaching timidly at first, now a bit braver, though a little less sure but hungry. Always hungry, for what obscure Truth only he knows. Only he knows.

Bitter drops which percolate then trickle and then gush until that unforgiving wave breaks upon his body and rolls back leaving only more ecstasy, and more pain, and more despair. Alas!, the hand which brings down the hammer upon the nail and the broken hand lain against the wood are one and the same, this much he felt yet still his mind stirred:

Is there truly a voice to speak with against this silence?

Is there an ear, be it man or God, to grant us Justice?

Might it be that the way shown by those before us not have been found by a mind who had already seen?

Such hollow things are words when one is shattered like this, their verisimilitude a mere mockery…

So be it! Let others pray to iridescent sigils, not we, not today. Foul are they and not of our own. That foolish flame shall flicker for the meek but not for us. Not tonight. Let it be known that the fall is our fortune, not the summit.

And now he, the fallen, gathers his wits and stands upon the dirt. Bloodied wrists mark the fruit of his toil. And it was barely this: to replace the banality of the day with the horror of the void, the illusion of something with the certitude of nothing, the false unity of one for the voice of none.

A fair trade. For what else is there?

What else indeed…


Voz De Nenhum - Sublimation digi CD
Available now.


Arcane Voidsplitter cd released
Last updated: 13 April 2019

the new album from Arcane Voidsplitter (Bel) is now released. The brainchild of SvC from Until Death Overtakes Me.

This is minimalist cosmic funeral drone ambient - perfect for listening on headphones and taking a trip into deep cold space.....


Starless Domain
Last updated: 13 April 2019

Aesthetic Death is very pleased to be working together with excellent US act - Starless Domain 

I will be working on the cd version of "Eos" - their debut album - later this year. Starless Domain create some amazing and extreme deep field black metal - an astral trip of piercing cold extremes! On this day, when the first image of a black hole is issued - it seems an appropriate time to announce that you will soon be spaghettified by STARLESS DOMAIN


Arria Paetus / Moloch - Split LP
Last updated: 13 April 2019

Aesthetic Death is very pleased to be collaborating with Moloch (Ukraine) + Arria Paetus (Alaska) on a forthcoming split LP.
This promises to be an excellent and beautifully disturbing release.
Artwork and layout is currently underway - more news soon.


Epitaphe - French death doom
Last updated: 13 April 2019

I am very much looking forward to working with Epitaphe (France) on the release of their debut album "I", which will be released late summer 2019 - expect some claustrophobic, oppressive doom-tinged death metal. One of the best death doom metal acts I've heard in a long time - more news coming soon.....


Zatemno - V Petle digi CD
Last updated: 11 April 2019

the excellent new album from Zatemno is now released and available here - or direct from Death Knell Productions in Russia (which is where you can find the digital version as well)

Check out this unique act - creating some schizoid avant black metal

Tape version will be available from Bile Noire (Spain) in April 2019


Zatemno - V Petle digi CD
Last updated: 12 February 2019

Currently under production is the "V Petle" album from excellent Russian schizoid avant-black act ZATEMNO

Looking forward to getting this album out there in late March - more news and preview track to follow soon.

Pre-orders being taken at this site - and soon via Death Knell (RUS).

Tape version will be available simultaneously from Spanish label - Bile Noire


Dictator - Dysangelist 2LP
Last updated: 12 February 2019

the Dictator 2LP is finally released - great to have this excellent album in our hands and for the first time on vinyl

Vinyl looks stunning and has been well worth the time and effort put into creating it.

All pre-orders are prepared and will be with you soon. 

Thanks for your patience and support with this.....


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