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price   quantity total
Pyre Of Descent - Peaks of Eternal Light (TFH 92)
£8.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £8.00
Nuclearhammer - War Chronicles: A History of Obliteration (Doom 011)
£8.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £8.00
Athanor - Darkness, Hate and Cosmic Holocaust (SR 009)
£5.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £5.00
Cultfinder - Black Thrashing Terror (ELM 004)
£3.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £3.00
Witchtiger - Warlords of Destruction 2004-2014 (MOD 014)
£4.50   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £4.50
Weight of Emptiness - Anfractuous: Moments for Redemption (SUNEP 031)
£5.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £5.00
Necroblood - The Rite Of Evil (AFP)
£5.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £5.00
Nubiferous - Mana (LCDS 193)
£4.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £4.00
Ulfberht - L'Aube Dune Nouvelle Ere (OR 005)
£5.00   Remove 1 from basket 1 Add 1 to basket £5.00
Shipping to UK (change to Europe or Worldwide)
Total:  £51.50

Postage rates:

0 g - 250 g£2.00£4.00£6.00
251 g - 500 g£4.00£6.00£10.00
501 g - 750 g£4.00£8.00£15.00
751 g - 2 kg£4.00£10.00£20.00
2 kg - 10 kg£5.00£12.00£30.00
Most CD releases weigh 120g, most LPs 400g.
A double CD release can weigh between 120g and 150g, a double LP between 400g and 800g.